New House: Week 1


It’s been ages since I last posted. It’s not because I have nothing to say… It’s because I make up these posts in my head but never have the time to post! So I’ve decided to make small posts as and when I get the time and work on the bigger ones too and post them at intervals. Nice plan, no? Let’s see how that works. 

Anyway, it’s been over a year since we got married. Last week, we had to shift because the lease on that flat ran out. We could have renewed it but the building was going down for reconstruction so we found ourselves a new place. In a matter of days, my home was packed into boxes and sacks and here we are, starting it all over again. 

I’m not gonna lie to you; it was painful, leaving that house… It was the first place we called home. I guess this will happen a few more times before we finally get a place of our own and never have to move again. 

So now it is the two of us, a dog, and a whole room of boxes to unpack and settle. I’m obviously starting with the kitchen because I’ll be restless till I don’t have that sorted out. 

I’ve also got a bunch of diy’s that I’d like to try out once everything is in place. I’ll share pictures when I get to those. In the meanwhile, check out these boxes and feel my pain!  


About newmrsiyer

I JUST got married... Excited? Yes! Nervous? You bet your ass, yes! We have so many plans in place... And yet, I have no clue how things will be from here... One thing is for sure. We are married and that status ain't changing till death pries us apart. Anyway, today is a new beginning for us. A lot of new things are going to happen. So I am adding one more to the list of new. Now that I've crossed over to this side of the fence, I'll be reporting from here about the exact shade of green grass. For those of you who are about to tie the knot, for those of you who are wary of the idea, and for those of you who've done it already; here is my column airing facts, throwing cautions to the winds, giving tips and asking for advice.

3 responses »

  1. I feel your pain! What can I say … just take breaks when it gets overwhelming? 🙂 As for the blog posts, I get that a lot too. At inopportune times like, when I’m cooking XD Sometimes the idea comes back, often it doesn’t, most of the time the inspiration fades. A notebook helps but yes, micro posts are a good way to go 🙂 Good luck settling in your new home.


    • Oh my god, if I’d written everything that came to me while I cooked, this blog would be way fuller!! So I’m not the only one… In other news though, kitchen has been set up so I’m beginning to relax. Husband has taken over the setting up of the bed room… Now I can think of all those DIY projects…

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